Vitalant: Because of You, Life Doesn’t Stop
For more than 75 years, selfless blood donors in Colorado have partnered with Vitalant, formerly Bonfils Blood Center, to provide patients a precious resource that has no substitute. Your help is needed now as much as ever since blood supplies have been significantly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 is causing continued blood drive cancellations. Many school campuses that regularly host blood drives cannot commit this fall. Workplace blood drives are being canceled where a significant number of employees are working from home. Additionally, blood drives previously held on Vitalant’s bloodmobiles are needing to move into larger, indoor spaces to meet social distancing requirements or are being canceled entirely. Thankfully, Vitalant donation centers are still open to welcome blood donors. Because of you, life doesn’t stop. Every day, babies are born, surgeries are performed and emergencies happen – people need blood. You are crucial to the health and well-being of your community.
If you are blessed with good health and already donate blood, thank you. If you were once told you could not donate, please take another look at the eligibility requirements, as regulations frequently change. If you are not eligible to donate to the volunteer blood supply, you may be able to donate for research. There are other ways to contribute, whether you volunteer to host a blood drive or personally ask a friend or family member to consider donating in your place.

COVID-19 Antibody Testing and Convalescent Plasma
Vitalant is collecting plasma from people who have recovered from COVID-19. Called “convalescent plasma,” it contains antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which can be given to patients currently fighting COVID-19.
All volunteer completed blood donations are being tested for COVID-19 antibodies so we may discover future convalescent plasma donors. Confidential test results (“positive” or “negative”) will be available in your private, online account approximately 2 weeks after your donation. If your blood tested negative for COVID-19 antibodies, your blood donations are still very much needed for patients undergoing surgery, cancer therapy and other medical treatments.
We are taking extra precautions to protect our staff and donors
- Temperature checks upon arrival
- 6 feet of space between donors
- Continuous sanitization
- Approved masks required for all donors and staff (one-way valve masks not allowed)
It takes all of us to make our community whole, partnering to help patients whose hopes for a better tomorrow are contingent on a gift that can’t be manufactured.
Together, we are vital.