Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
For over 20 years, Rebecca has been a pillar of her Colorado community, providing care at her local Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) health center. But her journey with PPRM began as a patient—walking through the doors of the very same health center, seeking accurate information and compassionate care after discovering she was pregnant. This is her story.
I can still remember the flood of emotions I felt after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade—from anger and outrage to sadness and concern. Wondering how this would affect PPRM, my health center, and our country was overwhelming. But with every challenge, my conviction and commitment to abortion care has only strengthened.
Over the past two decades, I have had the great fortune to assist in providing services I care deeply about, in the same Colorado community I grew up in. There is no doubt there have been challenging times, but the passion that I have for abortion care has helped carry me.
I had my first PPRM experience when I was 16 and found out that I was pregnant. I was terrified and didn’t know how to talk to my parents about it. The staff at PPRM guided my mom and me through a conversation about all my options.
After leaving, I couldn’t stop thinking about the amazing staff and the time they spent with us. The provider was incredible, and I still remember her face to this day; she listened, and I felt like I could tell her anything without shame or judgment. I left that day knowing that I wanted to be just like her. Later that year, I had my son, born four days shy of my seventeenth birthday.
Four years later, I started my own career at PPRM. I am deeply proud to show up for people both from Colorado and across our country during some of their most vulnerable times, helping to normalize abortion care and affirming people’s decisions about when and if they want to parent. I never make light of the opportunity we hold to affect our patients’ lives and make the very most of our time with every patient who walks through our health center doors, just like the staff did for me many years ago. I know how much our community needs and appreciates us, and I hope to be a part of this work for another 20 years.
Last year, we provided essential health care services, such as family planning, cancer screenings, gender affirming care, and abortion care to nearly 50,000 people across Colorado. Your gift makes a difference in the lives of countless patients. Consider donating on Colorado Gives Day so your impact can go even further: give between November 1 – December 10 at ColoradoGives.org/pprm or any time at wearepp.org/pprm.
7155 E. 38th Avenue
Denver, CO 80207
(303) 321-2458