L. Tyrone Holt
Construction Law & Alternative Dispute Resolution | TOP LAWYER WINNER • 2021-2024
The Holt Group LLC
After four decades led by “Ty” Holt, our team continues to provide nationally recognized, high quality, and effective legal advice and representation to our owner, general contractor, design professional, public entity, business, and insurance industry clients. We use all of our skills to protect our clients’ legitimate business interests!
Western Neutral Services, LLC
Over the last thirty years as an arbitrator and mediator, Ty Holt has earned a national reputation for his knowledgeable, clear, and effective dispute resolution services. He uses his trial and industry experience to develop and implement processes that allow the Parties to resolve disputes. You want it resolved? – Call Ty!
1675 Broadway, Suite 2100, Denver, CO 80202 | 303.225.8500