The Faces of Homeownership Financing
Insured by NCUA | Equal Housing Opportunity | NMLS #410592
Some mortgage lenders are known for how they show up for their clients. Others are known for how they show up for their referral partners. With over two decades of combined mortgage expertise—on top of being ranked in the top 1% of the industry—Andy Watson, Shelby Parkhill, and Todd Barrett have made it their mission to do both.
As a part of the Canvas Credit Union mortgage team, Andy, Shelby, and Todd are redefining ‘banking hours,’ offering clients a higher level of service and access to more financial resources than ever before.
Here’s what makes the Canvas team a top choice for Colorado homebuyers.
- A commitment to giving back to the community in a big way
- Unique loan options that fit your individual needs
- Extremely competitive rates and fees
- Available nights and weekends
- 100% on-time closing rate on all pre-approved purchase loans
- In-house servicing and underwriting for a seamless transaction
- Local, fast and reliable appraisals
- Weekly update calls and milestone status emails to clients and partners
- Contract loan date monitoring so you don’t have to
- Cutting edge mortgage technology to make the application process seamless
As a client, in-house servicing means you can spend less time on the phone and more time picking out the perfect area rug. Competitive rates mean the dream of homeownership is closer than you think. Working with a community-focused lender means the great neighborhood you found can get even better. The list of what gets this team out of bed each morning is endless.
Clients get the very best value and service, and their referral partners do too. Real estate agents and industry professionals who work hard to help clients close on their home are prioritized and treated with the respect and authority they deserve.
Connect with Andy, Shelby, and Todd to learn more.
Shelby Parkhill, Senior Mortgage Loan Originator | shelbyp@canvas.org | (303) 916-2051
Todd Barrett, Senior Mortgage Loan Originator | toddb@canvas.org | (303) 594-2866
Andy Watson, Senior Vice President of Mortgage | andyw@canvas.org | (303) 915-2576