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Money Got You Stressed?

Capital One survey finds financial friction points that plague couples – and has some free solutions to relieve the tension.

Money can be a big source of stress in any relationship. Often, couples become so overwhelmed that they don’t know how to start the conversation, or they realize that they’re not aligned when it comes to their financial goals, values, and priorities. Understanding your values as a couple and communicating how they relate to your collective financial goals and priorities can be easier said than done. According to a recent survey from Capital One, three quarters (75%) of Americans who are currently in, or have ever been in, a committed relationship feel that setting financial goals with a partner is more difficult than setting goals as an individual. But, despite this sense of difficulty, nearly two-thirds (63%) would prefer to manage finances with a partner rather than individually. The challenge? More than two-thirds (67%) of those currently in a relationship admit that they don’t manage their expenses equally with their partner.Capital One is now offering opportunities to help couples close this gap, have the tough conversations, and clarify the financial values of individuals and couples. Capital One’s free Money Workshop curriculums—like Talking Money with Your Honey—and other empowerment tools offer couples a resource to help them achieve their money goals.

The good news for Denver couples? Capital One’s “Money and Relationships” Money Workshops are coming!

On October 4th, Capital One is hosting a live gameshow event called “Money Matched” where local couples will discover how well they know (or don’t know!) their partner’s money values. Moderated by Megan Lathrop, Capital One Money Coach, the couples will be asked a series of questions in an interactive format in front of a live audience in Denver’s LoDo Capital One Café at 1550 Wewatta Street.

Following “Money Matched,” Capital One will host a “Money and Relationships” workshop focused on helping couples explore how their respective pasts have influenced their feelings about money, and provide guidance on establishing healthy communication about their financial goals and how to achieve them.

Can’t make it on October 4? No problem. There are other free options for couples to explore their money values through October at Denver’s LoDo Capital One Café at 1550 Wewatta Street:

For more information, visit the Capital One Relationships site.

If you haven’t yet been to the Capital One Café in LoDo, Denver, this is your chance to check it out. Capital One’s goal is to take the stress out of people’s lives and relationships by helping them identify their values and ultimately solve their money problems and meet their financial goals. And the Café is designed to do just that.

You won’t be talking to a banker behind a desk at this beautiful, state-of-the art Café and community space. You’ll be sitting on a sofa with an iPad and a cup of coffee while an ambassador coaches you through setting up an account, paying your bills online, applying for a credit card and more.

At Capital One, this is just one example of “Banking Reimagined” and it comes to life through a place with meeting rooms that anyone can use, comfortable nooks and lounge seating where people can relax, and a welcoming community space with a strong education component. A space where people can meet, get work done, learn about new products, and enjoy a great cup of coffee and a local pastry.

Open areas double as workshop and event space. Creative nooks and casual seating areas allow visitors to have money conversations in a more relaxed setting than a traditional bank office. Digital screens allow visitors to browse interactive content focused on financial education.

In each café, Capital One also incorporates local design elements, such as murals and photography from local artists. In the Denver and Boulder café locations, for example, they worked with Kelsey Montague, an artist whose work explores how public art, interactive art and social media intersect.

So, grab your partner, join Capital One in October for one of their workshops, experience Banking Reimagined, and get more confident in your relationship with money – and each other. Pick your evening workshop now at the Capital One Relationships site and tell your friends on social media using #BankingReimagined.